What is Orthopedic Structural Balancing Massage?
It involves therapeutic assessment, manipulation, and movement of soft tissue to reduce or eliminate pain and dysfunction. Orthopedic massage utilizes a unique multidisciplinary approach to restore structural balance throughout the body. It is especially effective for chronic pain, sports or traumatic injuries. Orthopedic work can include: functional assessments, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, scar tissue mobilization techniques, PNF stretching, neuromuscular re-education, strengthening and specific client home care. This type of work is also effective for rotated vertebrae and pelvic/sacro iliac imbalances.
Vicki has studying orthopedic massage extensively since 2005 with two internationally famous instructors – James Waslaski and Eric Dalton.
Both of these instructors teach detailed information on anatomy, primarily the anatomy of movement. Often joint pain or injury is the result of imbalance in the muscles or fascia that affect that joint. Understanding the anatomy, knowing the healthy Range of Motion for each joint, and utilizing assessment tools to determine which muscles are short and tight and which muscles are weak and overstretched all combine to make my bodywork intelligent, customized and effective. And it is always good to remember that "the pain isn't always where the problem is."